Why Is Steve Being A C#%t?

Understanding the psychology behind workplace interactions can revolutionise communication and reduce conflicts.

Unpacking the Psychology of Workplace Interactions

Interpersonal dynamics can often lead to tension and conflict in any workplace. Occasionally, an individual might exhibit disruptive or difficult-to-understand behaviour.

Let's refer to this hypothetical person as Steve. Steve's behaviour might sometimes come across as harsh or counterproductive, labelled in frustration as him being difficult - or a c#%t. But what underlies such behaviour? This blog explores some psychological theories that might explain why Steve—or anyone in a similar situation—might act out in the workplace.

Childhood Trauma and Its Long Shadows

Childhood trauma can have long-lasting effects on an individual's behaviour and emotional responses. Traumas such as neglect, abuse, or severe loss can disrupt normal developmental processes. This disruption might show up in adults as difficulty in regulating emotions or maintaining stable relationships. In a high-pressure environment like the workplace, these underlying issues might surface. Steve might react disproportionately to minor criticism or setbacks, which could be a manifestation of unresolved trauma, triggering a seemingly out-of-character response, c#%tish response.

Understanding that such reactions might be rooted in past trauma can help coworkers and managers approach Steve with more empathy. Supportive responses might include promoting a culture of openness, where Steve feels safe to express vulnerabilities or stressors without fear of judgment.

Triggering: When the Past Invades the Present

The concept of "triggering" refers to situations where a current event causes someone to relive a past trauma. For Steve, certain interactions in the workplace might act as triggers, causing him to respond with what seems like irrational anger, sudden withdrawals, a tantrum, or anything in between. These triggers are deeply personal and can be unpredictable.

For instance, a comment that seems benign on the surface might remind Steve of past criticisms or negative interactions. This reaction is not just about the comment itself but about what it symbolically represents to Steve. Recognising these triggers can be crucial for Steve to seek appropriate help, such as therapy, coaching or counselling, and for his colleagues to understand that these reactions are not about them but about Steve's past experiences.

Family of Origin Roles: Replaying the Past

The roles we play in our family of origin can profoundly influence how we interact in other relationships, including those at work. If Steve assumed or was given a particular role in his family—such as the caretaker, the scapegoat, or the peacekeeper—he might unconsciously slip into these roles at work.

If Steve was often criticised at home, he might be overly sensitive to feedback, perceiving it as an attack rather than constructive criticism. He might hear your voice as the voice of a critical parent.  Conversely, if he was the family's "problem solver," he might overstep boundaries to fix issues or to make sure everyone gets on -  leading to workplace conflicts.

Awareness and discussion of these patterns can be crucial in helping Steve and his coworkers navigate their interactions more effectively.

"Who's Talking to Who?": When Adults Revert to Childhood Roles

The concept of "Who's talking to who?" suggests that during interactions, particularly under stress, individuals may revert to their childhood family roles instead of engaging as their adult selves. This means that the conversation might not be between two adults but rather between two triggered childhood roles. For example, in a professional setting, Steve and his colleague might both react to a disagreement not as mature professionals but as two siblings competing for their parents' attention and approval. Recognizing this dynamic is crucial for de-escalating conflicts and fostering more effective communication. When people are aware that they might be slipping into these childhood roles, they can pause, reflect, and consciously shift their responses to engage more maturely. This awareness can transform interactions, encouraging adult-to-adult communication and reducing misunderstandings. By acknowledging and addressing these underlying emotional triggers, individuals can create a more productive and harmonious environment. Understanding "Who's talking to who?" helps individuals navigate their interactions more mindfully, ensuring that true adult communication can thrive.

The Drama Triangle: Playing Out Conflict

The Drama Triangle is a social model that maps out the dysfunctional roles people can play in high-conflict situations: Victim, Persecutor, and Rescuer. Steve might find himself unconsciously adopting one of these roles in the workplace. If he feels victimised by office dynamics, he might either persecute others (acting out) or excessively try to rescue others (overstepping roles).

Identifying these dynamics can be a first step toward breaking out of them. By recognising when he is entering into one of these roles, Steve can start to choose more functional ways of interacting. Similarly, his colleagues can work to avoid reinforcing these roles, promoting a more balanced and healthy workplace dynamic.

Neurodiversity: Communication Challenges

Neurodiversity refers to natural variations in the human brain concerning sociability, learning, attention, and other mental, executive, and emotional functions. This concept encompasses a range of conditions, including ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and others, each characterised by a unique set of traits ultimately affecting their behaviour. People with neurodiverse conditions often face significant communication challenges in the workplace. For instance, someone with autism might struggle with interpreting social cues or understanding nuanced messaging or body language, which can lead to misunderstandings or perceived social awkwardness. Similarly, a person with ADHD might have difficulties with sustained attention during long meetings or following detailed verbal instructions. These challenges can create barriers to effective collaboration and productivity. As a neurodiverse individual, Steve may misinterpret social cues, leading to awkward interactions with colleagues. He might also find it challenging to adhere to traditional communication methods, such as participating in lengthy, unstructured meetings or adhering to strict deadlines without clear, incremental guidance. These difficulties can result in Steve being perceived as disruptive or uncooperative, even though his intentions are positive.

"Masking" is a coping mechanism that neurodiverse individuals often use to hide their differences and conform to societal or workplace norms. This involves a conscious effort to suppress natural behaviours, mimic so called "neurotypical" communication styles, and fit in with their peers. While masking can help individuals navigate social and professional environments, it is typically exhausting and can lead to significant stress. For Steve, masking his neurodiversity might mean constantly monitoring his behaviour, second-guessing his social interactions, and striving to meet "neurotypical" expectations. This can be mentally and emotionally draining, leading to chronic stress and potential burnout. It may cause him to have a short fuse - or be prone to outbursts when feeling overwhelmed. Understanding and accommodating neurodiversity is crucial for fostering a more inclusive and supportive workplace. This involves recognising the unique strengths and challenges that neurodiverse individuals bring to the table and creating an environment where they can thrive without the need to mask their differences. Practical steps might include implementing flexible communication methods, providing clear and structured instructions, promoting an open and understanding culture, changing your concept of how "deadlines" work, and allowing reasonable accommodations. By reducing the need for masking and addressing the root causes of workplace stress as experienced by neurodiverse individuals, companies can foster a culture of genuine inclusivity and support, benefiting all employees.

Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria: The Fear of Disapproval

Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) is a term used to describe extreme emotional sensitivity and pain triggered by the perception that a person has been rejected or criticised by important people in their life. It is commonly associated with ADHD and other neurodiverse conditions, but can also exist independently.

For Steve, RSD might be an underlying factor contributing to his disruptive behaviours. If Steve is suffering from RSD, he may experience intense emotional turmoil at the slightest hint of disapproval or criticism. This could be as minor as a look, a tone of voice, or a seemingly inconsequential comment, which he interprets as a rejection.

This heightened sensitivity might cause Steve to overreact to situations or to misinterpret the intentions of his colleagues. On the other hand, he might also go to great lengths to avoid situations where he could potentially face criticism, such as team meetings or performance reviews, which might come across as him being uncooperative or disinterested.

Understanding that Steve might be dealing with RSD can help create a more supportive and empathetic work environment. It's important to communicate openly, provide clear, constructive feedback, and avoid ambiguous statements that could be misinterpreted. Also, promoting a culture that encourages positive reinforcement and mutual respect can help reduce the potential triggers for individuals struggling with RSD.

Professional help, such as therapy or counselling, can provide strategies to manage RSD. If Steve is open to it, he could greatly benefit from seeking such support, which could in turn improve his interactions and relationships in the workplace.

Moving Forward: Understanding and Support

Recognising that problematic behaviours like those Steve exhibits might be rooted in deeper psychological issues can transform how they are addressed in the workplace. By fostering an environment that values psychological insight and support, organisations can not only help individuals like Steve heal and grow but also enhance overall workplace health and productivity.

In conclusion, understanding the underlying causes of workplace behaviours—such as childhood trauma, triggering, family roles, the Drama Triangle, Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, neurodiversity, and mental health—is critical for managing interpersonal dynamics in the workplace. Recognising that problematic behaviours might be rooted in deeper psychological issues can transform how they are addressed in the workplace and foster an environment that values psychological insight and support.

Attune is dedicated to supporting healthier workplace interactions. We offer bespoke team workshops, individual coaching, counselling, and psychotherapy to help individuals and teams navigate these dynamics and deal with any of the issues discussed in this blog. By using our services, organisations are not only helping individuals heal and grow but also enhancing overall workplace health and productivity.

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